About Unlikely Productions
Unlikely Productions is an emerging production company dedicated to turning unique artistic ideas into action. Formed by Hugo Chiarella and Gabrielle Scawthorn, Unlikely Productions work across a variety of platforms and mediums to bring untold stories to international audiences in both Australia and the UK.
Most recently, Unlikely Productions developed and produced the critically acclaimed production The Apologists. The show premiered at The VAULT Festival in London in 2018. It later received Arts Council England funding for a return tour in early 2020 culminating in a season at The Omnibus Theatre.
Unlikely Productions also produced the critically acclaimed, sell-out, Australian premiere of Diana Son’s play Stop Kiss in in association with ATYP’s Under The Wharf program and The Mardi Gras Festival.
The team behind Unlikely Productions are also founding members of the sketch comedy group, I’m With Stupid and have produced content for ABC iView, ABC2, Funny or Die, The Big Smoke and Youtube.